I am using SKI TRACKS – Will use to record Slope % and Speed this year.
Second year – using this app on a low end, eMOTO, 4.4 kitkat.
If you have it works on Android, iPhone, BlackBerry
YEAR 3 – New version 1.3.7 – New Phone Samsung Luna Quad under 100$
Always backup your tracks if you want to save.
– for small slopes of 300 meters will not show in the count but will show on the graph.
Speed notes in the map. Trimming of tracks and enhanced battery life.

NOW Push to talk Apps – Like walkie talkie.Enhanced
Could use to keep in touch on slope race info etc. Chat to team in other states.
Choices : Use wifi / 2G,3G,4G 2G is nice.
Waze Traffic passive and user reported.