Legal Information:

Everything has a risk in life, Understand the risks ahead of time. Learn as much as you can before engaging in Snow Sports. If you have questions please email skidome.

Two best things in your favor – Helmet and Training / Lessons

If you do become injured seek Ski Patrol.


Is a dangerous activity that can result in injuries or death being caused by you, someone else, an animal, twig, branch, rock, cliff, stream, pole, lift, tower etc. Some injuries can be minor, requiring ice, rest, and Motrin.  Other injuries can be worse requiring hospitalization and extensive physical therapy. Please be aware of these risks and follow all Resort rules and regulations. KNOW the CODE.

Risk Avoidance Link  – Physics behind impact: Skiing/Snowboard forces  One of the best ways to understand how to avoid injury.

Safety Programs:

Terrain park safety              Lids On Kids     kidsonlifts     Protection Pads and Armor           

Your Responsibility Code

1.Always stay in control, and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.
2.People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.
3.You must not stop where you obstruct a trail, or are not visible from above.
4.Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.
5.Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
6.Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
7.Prior to using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride and unload safely.

Safety Stats from NSSA: 


happen with or without a helmet. Take the time to learn what to do and not to do.
1- do not take Motrin, aspirin, naproxen etc. Only Tylenol
2- take a SCAT 2 test baseline beforehand   Concussion Test Take a baseline
3- take a CDC free 30 min course on head injury and concussion.
CDC HEADS Up Concussion info
What supplements may help in concussion: Creatine beforehand, Omega 3  (EPA, DHA) Vitamin C, E, D  read the article.


New standards are being researched. These links below show some of the new research behind Park ramp and landings.

Creating Standards for Winter Terrain Parks

A little movie to simulate correct ramp design

Designing tomorrow’s snow park jump
More standards have been developed along with training.

Harassment of any nature,

in any form, is not tolerated. Consequences can be in the form of Court, Confiscation of pass, and or barred from resort entry forever.

 Trademarks, Copyrights:

Birdmon, ZARDOG and BIRDMON Ski hat/helmet design, website photos, logos, design, and content are Copyright 1997-2017, All Rights Reserved, Sole use by William E. Fowler III, or by Associates.
ZARDOZ, ZARDOZ NOTwax , ZARDOZ Super Z, Fluoro+ are trademarks / copyright ZARDOZ LLC. Zardoz Products, Inc. – 1545 Fifth Industrial Ct. Bay Shore, NY 11706 1996- 2017 All Rights Reserved.
Weather data NOAA.GOV ,,, wunderground, and many other sites.

Music for Videos provided by Woody Lissauer copyright holder. Woody has a wide range of music on his site.

Try out his Reverbnation page with more songs and videos. Woody Lissauer Reverbnation