Some of the best snow can be found on days that never go above freezing. That being said when wind, snowmaking, and temps below 25, will add a chill to the bones. For kids who hate to cover up – Play Astronaut. An astronaut has to cover up.
Tips to help:

Red Arrow cover vents with tape
Cover all exposed skin. Ears and Nose – MASKS – Exposed skin tip – Vasolene applied will help from frostbite
Bring extra Layers (more than 1 extra) better to have more than less
Heavyweight activewear for pants and top first layer
An extra pair of shorts under outer pants to add Chair Lift warmth
Apply antiperspirant to feet, keeps them from moisture and wet = colder
Helmet – cover vents with tape
Boots – I use a NASA emergency blanket and tape to the Boot liner. Seal out any airflow, reflects heat back. Tape on the outside of boots for front flap
The airtight foil reduces convection
Heat loss caused by evaporation of perspiration is reduced
Reflective surface inhibits losses caused by thermal radiation.
Take a 10 min break every hour warm up
Single-use air-activated heat packs that provide up to 10 hours of continuous warmth, known as HotHands or other. Toe, foot, or hands. Tip open to air 30 mins before going outside. (Place in a ziplock bag forcing air out to deactivate for another use)