Bear Creek Resort Link Streetmap

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Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 6:45pm – 8:45pm (2 hours) between January 5th and February 24th* (see details below).NASTAR Giant Slalom (GS) races are held every TuesdayNASTAR Slalom (SL) races are held every Wednesday
Sunday mornings from 10am – 12:30pm (2.5 hours) between January 10th and February 28th (excluding 1/17 & 2/14)* (see details below)Sunday races alternate between GS and SL courses. Race course will be determined closer to day of event.
Cost is $5 for two runs or $10 for unlimited runs.

Timberline trail

Start shack is on the side of the trail across from BEAR CLAW Trail from F Lift. To get to F lift take A or B Lift to top looking down go far left.

GS: Times under 39 seconds get 32 handicaps usually.  Long run due to typical course:

Come out of the shack, skate to 1st 2 gates, go another 4 gates r so, then the hill falls away to the right while the course goes to the left. At the finish, the last 5 or so gates are in the flats, have to stay low and maintain speed.

SL course are dual with the right one being full gates and the left one usually the stubbie gates. Times under 50 seconds are respectable.

Moore David (coat SL)18.39

Moore David GS (coat)12.16

Durofchalk Rick GS (coat)16.62