Intermediate 3 Gun
Build On the BASICS
Good places to find Pro Tips from legitimate sources
Shooting USA has Pro Tips on many intermediate topics
NSSF – Doug Koenig offers training advice to competitive shooters to improve their speed.
Rifle Marksmanship Diagnostic and Training Guide Read FM 3-22.9 First
This manual will help fix any problems
Basic Rifle Shooting Positions ‘How to’ with Lena & Kay Miculek (8 Min Vid)
TIPS for Rifle Lessons Learned –
Your hit results can go from 10% to 60% in one match just by understanding these few tips:
1- Barricade (VTAC) etc. Use the barricade as a rest. If 90 degrees then hold into the angle. Push forward into barricade 75 to 90% weight on forward leg.
2- tight close targets using scope Use the weak hand, extend arm, with the thumb up ,then grab the forward shroud. This will lock the weak arm and allow faster shooting on target. the old way a person has to wait too long in between breath.
3- Using the scope open your eyes. the eyes have it. If you miss and not engage then you forgot.
4- Know your ammo and aim point vs impact point at 10, 20, 30 yards for close in stages. for my 7.62 x 39 at 30 yards 2x 4 inches below aim point 4x 3 inches and 7x 1.5 inches scope is zeroed at 100 yards.
Wind Tables An example to the right is my table for 7.62×39 20 inch bar 123gr FMJ
The Blue Table is a General table for example only. Your rifle and ammo will be different.
Click to enlarge.
Reloading is the hardest task to master with the biggest gain in speed
Lena How to perform a strong handed tactical shotgun reload
2 Shell Load Belt Quick Loading