Developing a Training Plan
Use the Fire ready Aim approach meaning the first match shot will give you feedback to adjust your training
Going through the mechanics without ammo (or with Dummy Ammo)
Reloads, Draw, Shooting positions. Etc
Always check magazine and Chamber 3x NO LIVE AMMO
– Live Fire
Always add NO SHOOTS next to target. Adds Stress.
Use Air-soft as a supplement to Range time (Vid)
Plan before going to the range.
Plan Ratio – Pistol 45%, Rifle 35%, Shotgun 20% (100 rds, 50 rds, 25 rds)
Cover all Positions, Single Draws, multiple targets
Training Plans will vary as a person learns their weak areas. Weak areas spend 80% of training time on them.
Additional Sample Plans Rifle Plan Shotgun Plan
Train per your plan . Use 1 hour of training per 1 min match shooting. Beginner 5 mins = 5 Hours
Shoot your first Club match (KEY is SLOW, SLOW Down, Watch your finger, Watch the muzzle)
Objectives 1
You should be able to shoot from multiple positions.
(standing, Sitting, Kneeling, Prone)
Understand the effects of wind, scope/ iron adjustment
Develop a Training Plan Live Fire
Develop a Training Plan Dry Fire
Always check the Chamber 2x.