UPDATE 10-18-2017
After discussions with MD State Police, MD Cannabis Commission:
If a person signs up for the Medical cannabis program in Maryland you will give up your rights to:
THE MD 77R form will be redesigned and will ask a question:
DO you have a prescription for Medical Cannabis?
I suspect this will be the same for 23 States with medical cannabis.
You answer yes then your rights are GONE.
An interesting discussion at a match regarding arthritis, inflammation, and alternatives to NSAIDS that can cause heart issues. No doubt our sport is not easy and as we age these medical issues come from age. Outside of NSAIDS, TENS, ICE, Heat, Oral or injected Steriods and the dreaded opioids are the alternatives. Twenty-three U.S. states permit cannabis for clinical use but it remains illegal under federal law.
CBD or Cannabidiol has a small amount of Delta-9 THC. .3%. Thus making illegal Federally.
RULES at RANGES, MATCHES are well defined regarding impairment. Consequences are strict and quick. Alcohol, Drugs of any kind that impair are prohibited.
This is for information purpose only. I am not a lawyer or a doctor.
23 states have a medical marijuana program others allow CBD vapor or sublingual to be sold.
Is there Science that can show the results? That is a major issue. Trails cost money.
Delta 9 THC has been studied since the 1970’s.
This link is a good start point to understand Imflamation and CBD
Maryland law 77R ask about marijuana – Habitual users: defined as found guilty of 2 CDS offenses, one of which occurred within the 5 past years. See line 15 in this link. www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/forms/Form_77R_gun_questions.pdf
THE MD 77R Form will be corrected by State Police.
FEDERAL is Much broader and not as well defined at to a term of Addict. Does not cover CBD.
THE ATF SAYS – FORM 4473 Differs.
DEA – DEA guidance is clear: Cannabidiol is illegal and always has been
LAW Review
HR 2020: Passage of this act would exclude CBD from the federal definition of ‘marihuana.’
S. 1374/HR 2920: Passage of these Acts would exempt from federal prosecution those who are engaged in state-sanctioned medical cannabis activities; it would also remove CBD from the federal definition of ‘marihuana.’
HR 2273/S. 1008: Passage of these Acts would exclude CBD and CBD-rich cannabis plants from the federal definition of ‘marihuana.’
Stay away even from Medical Marijuana and CBD at this time. The issue will need law review and court rulings for years to come. It is not worth losing the right to firearms until the law is settled. Your mileage may vary.
This is not just related to firearms. Rental properties in States with medical marijuana have the federal law spelled out in the lease as not allowed.