Stoeger M3000

Stoeger M3000

Well a bit late in the game, but the benefit of others’ knowledge like Tom from MOA Precision, P.E. Kelly, Jesse Tischauser and other 3gunners.  Being the frugal person I am, the pump Mossberg 500 served me well in 3 Gun, but just too slow to load at 5+1. I like doing my own work on my firearms when I can. Grandfather was a machinist and I even built a 50 cal handgun barrel in High School shop.   PE Kelly

Tcodyw88 Tuning        Jessie Tips    Thanks !!  if you cannot or will not do work yourself See MOA Precision, they have packages.

GOAL: looking for a Semi Auto Shotgun, Inertia Drive and at lowest cost but flawless performance.

STOEGER M3000 – Black Synthetic Stock no frills under $500. Add the MOA Precision Extension tube, follower, and disconnector to keep ATF 922R compliant is even needed. With Shipping $127.00

Add a 12 up 2 grab caddie.

More to add this weekend but check the BLOG has most of the easy mods. Bubba shows you how to clean.

Sanding and polishing the MAG Tube – the First time before Break-in.

400 Grit Lengthwise then polish with Flitz, oil overnight.

Sand and polish Extractor and Extractor slot in Bolt’s face.

Can really see that fine detail is not in a 500$ Shotgun.

Even after this work, it failed to eject at about 500 rounds. Replacement Benelli M2 extractor and spring. Re polished the extractor slot.






Few other burrs to take care of on the Action Bar. 400 to 800 grit paper. Polish with Dremel.

With a Macro camera what looks smooth is not smooth.

On Order: MOA precision +8 tube, Disconnector, Follower. 922R compliance if needed.



the macro lens does not lie. needs a bit of work.