
SWAPS During the FALL  Sept-Dec

SWAPS, Event Calendar

If the UPC is present look up for data and Yr. 


                        Ski Haus Swap

Check the Swap Organizer for the rules The organizer has the final say as to the item’s salability.
SKIS – No Straight Skis, More than 10 years old or the binding is not listed on the indemnity list IE covered by Insurance
Plastic boots over time will break, plastic, in general, loses chemical properties over time – become brittle, and is subject to breakage.

This is the Binding good list

CPSC Recalls search for bindings skis helmets etc

Binding FAQs — Read this BEFORE you use the list.
Q: And what is indemnification?
A: In short, it means the manufacturer will “support” the certified technician in the event of legal action. That’s all.
Q: Does indemnification mean that binding is definitely usable?
A: No. See question #1 immediately above.
Q: Does non-indemnified mean that the binding is no longer usable?
A: Not necessarily. It just means you do so completely and totally at your own risk.
Remember that the “indemnification” is only that of the manufacturer willing to back the certified retailer, not when you or I install our own bindings or screw around with settings.
The Ultimate Determination of whether or not a shop will work on a binding is the opinion of the technician. This list is provided ONLY to show which bindings the manufacturers are still supporting through liability indemnification.

Boots – Liner that the foam pad has disintegrated, missing Sole etc.

Helmets- Site more for Bike/BMX- tons of research test data. Fitting guide.

Get there at Opening if you want the best selection.

Helpful Hints: Size / Fitting Guide


                   Baltimore Ski Swap

In the beginning, a person needs a less stiff board or ski.

The Recreational is good enough.  Binding limits dictate the weight of the user.
This link offers a DIN (binding setting)
The DIN chart uses weight, height, and ability. A young child needs a binding that can go from .5 to 4.
DIN Calculator
Children grow out of everything and rotate every year.

Do a bit of research. Go back a few years in the models and look at the technology used.

Example- Looking for a 177 cm, advanced with race components. thin to mid base under 75mm Under $500.00  Race base – holds more wax,  Front Rocker.  The components cost more. types of core (foam -> wood)  (Fiberglass – > Ti or Titanal)  higher Binding ranges = more cost of components.
Average person even me never go above a 10 DIN (210 lbs 6’1″ 3+ skier type) 

HELMET – Sizing Measure head in CM at 1 inch above EYEBROWS.
SKI / SNOWBOARD –    CHIN, NOSE,  EYES, HEAD  (Translates to Kid, Beginner,  Intermediate, Advanced)

SKI sizing

Snowboard Sizing

BOOTS – SKI   SNOWBOARD   Pretty much need the person to make sure fit is proper.

Pricing –  skicostbellcurve

As gear is rated as advanced, the materials and labor costs go up. Beginner to intermediate gear is at a good price point due to supply.
Skis Boards Boots –  All start at MSRP, then DEALER price, the next year they drop, the second year they drop even if new.
Demo skis are skis used by Shops for people to demo. 1 to 2 years old.
General used skis.
Your local shop will have deals too. I  can always find a deal Local, I have to look hard.
Children’s gear since they grow and can sell out at swaps or be hard to find. Check out Baltimore Ski Warehouse, they have a good supply of kids’ boots.

It’s best to spend a few hours researching for technology that suits your Skill level, and the length and radius of the curve.  When selection is narrowed down to a few models/manufacturers

Price ranges – SWAPS
Boots 20$ and up
Skis w/ Bindings  75$ and up
Snowboards 100$ and up
Questions people have swap items:
1-Is this boot any good?
How to Judge- I check bottom wear first. The heel may be too rounded, or the screws are too close due to wear. Then do a visual inspection of the outer shell. Then pull the liner and check for cracks in the liner shell and padding that is too worn on the inside.  There should be a separate footbed.
2- Skis Boards, Judging bases What to look for.

      Bases should not have large cuts or gouges. Signs of wear will be a white ‘hair’ but a good tune can fix that.  Do not buy if the edges are showing the connections to the base i.e. ground too many times. Avoid edges that are really torn up or have gouges.  These can be fixed at a shop.
3-Bindings. Have MFG Liability Insurance. but for only so long. 

Make sure the outer heel and toe show no cracks and the AFD pad is present, Make sure the boot will fit with adjustments if not then if the ski snowboard has only been remounted once (holes drilled) they can be remounted. Adds labor cost.     Binding SCIENCE:   How Bindings work