REPAIR and Remodel are part of massage, stretching, strengthen, and correct alignment and function.
Sooner or later an injury, sprain or spams will happen. If normal RICE is applied healing will happen but maybe not as fast as you like. Some things can be done to help heal faster and get back in the game. Involve your PCP and make sure they know why you need to heal faster. Most will accommodate.
NSAIDs – Anti Inflammatory (aspirin, Naprosyn) or prescribed (Mobic) can reduce pain and inflammation allowing rehab to take places with less soreness. The issue is with Heart.
Lidocaine – Patch by script or OTC
TAPE – Athletic tape can stabilize a joint or make immobile. Kinesio tape can help with spasm and soft support.
Tissue Massage – Lacrosse Ball, Tennis Ball, Foam Roller, etc can be used for deep tissue massage.
Dry Needle, Scraping and Cupping may help heal faster.
STEROID – Injection Consult with Doc.
Tissue Massage – Lacrosse Ball, Tennis Ball, Foam Roller, etc can be used for deep tissue massage.
Dry Needle, Scraping and Cupping may help heal faster.
Stretch Bands can be utilized to strengthen, remodel, and restore the ROM range of motion.